Completed Theses


  • Gabriella Krivek: "Improving bat monitoring and conservation through infrared light barriers, camera traps and deep learning“ (Dissertation 2023)
  • Lisa Männer: "Contributions to phenotypic plasticity and DNA methylation in molluscs with special emphasis on the highly invasive New Zealand mud snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray, 1843)“ (Dissertation 2023)


  • Carolin Mundinger: "Relative importance of plastic and genetic responses to weather conditions in long-lived bats" (Dissertation 2022)
  • Timo Pampuch: "A group of trees is called a forest - A holistic approach to study the anatomy and growth of Picea glauca“ (Dissertation 2022)
  • Zoran Sargac: "Global ocean change: responses of crab larvae to abiotic drivers" (Dissertation 2022)
  • Monica Sheffer: "Environmental and genetic effects on fitness-relevant traits in a range-expanding spider“ (Dissertation 2022)
  • Bianca Stapelfeldt: "Influence of climate change on behaviour and demography of Myotis nattereri" (Dissertation 2022)
  • Jan Woyzichovski: "Spore size evolution in nivicolous myxomycetes – A study about trait adaptation in the morphospecies Physarum albescens with respect to cryptic speciation and species distribution" (Dissertation 2022)
  • Melanie Zacharias: "Phenotypic plasticity and local genetic adaptation in white spruce" (Dissertation 2022)


  • Roberto Cruz Garcia: "Dendrochronology of Central European temperate forest tree species- Effects of long-term climate change trends and short-term weather extremes." (Dissertation 2021)
  • Sarah Schwieger: "Invisible to the eye - Root dynamics in temperate minerotrophic peatlands under drainage and rewetting" (Dissertation 2021)


  • Franziska Günther: "Physiological defense mechanisms in cope with extreme environments.“ (Dissertation 2020)
  • Jesús Rafael Hernández-Montero: "Cognitive processes for localizing roosts in free-ranging bats." (Dissertation 2020)
  • Josephine Kuczyk: "Plant-herbivore interactions in a changing world: Effects of climate change on the interactions between herbivore and food plants." (Dissertation 2020)
  • Jelena Lange: "Drivers of unstable climate-tree growth relationships in the circumpolar boreal forest in time and space." (Dissertation 2020)
  • Lena Muffler-Weigel: "Phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation in European beech: Insights into natural regeneration patterns and adult growth performance across the distribution range.“ (Dissertation 2020)
  • Veronika Zeus: "Social system and astrovirus transmission in bats of the European temperate zone." (Dissertation 2020)


  • Rita Fragueira: "Coping with the heat: Effects of simulated heatwaves on behavious, maintenance and reproduction in the polymorphic Gouldian finch." (Dissertation 2019)
  • Pierick Mouginot: "Causes and consequenses of genital mutilation" (Dissertation 2019)
  • David Würth: "Responses of forest trees to environmental change: Disturbance and adaptive potential - How fast can long-lived plants react to environmental change?" (Dissertation 2019)


  • Mathilde Borg-Dahl: "Exploring the diversity of Nivicolous Myxomycetes: An analysis of the genetic diversity, species distribution and community composition" (Dissertation 2018)
  • Lisa Lehnen: "Drivers, prerequisites, and consequences of range expansion in Rhinolophus hipposideros" (Dissertation 2018)
  • Elisabeth Reim: "Factors affecting dispersal in a butterfly - A comparison between core and edge populations" (Dissertation 2018)
  • Christine Reusch: "Potential costs, benefits and constraints of responses to recent climate change in bats" (Dissertation 2018)
  • Franziska Spitzner: "Effects of environmental stress on early life history stages of the European shore crab Carcinus maenas Linnaeus 1758 (Brachyura: Portunidae)" (Dissertation 2018)
  • Mario Trouillier: "Individual white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) growth limitations at treelines in Alaska" (Disseration 2018)
  • Antonia Ulle: "Schwimmgeschwindigkeit unterschiedlich akklimatisierter Artemia-Larven in Abhängigkeit von der aktuellen Temperatur" (Bachelorarbeit Biologie 2018)
  • Gerlien Verhaegen: "Complex relationships between Shell morphology and Habitat in the polymorphic aquatic gastropod Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Caenogastropoda, Tateidae)" (Dissertation 2018)
  • Robert Weigel: "Temperate Deciduous Forests in Europe Under Climate Change: Impacts Across Spatial Scales and Sensitivity to Winter Soil Temperature Variation" (Dissertation 2018)
  • Amanda Alice Wiesenthal: "Osmotolerance and studies of underlying mechanisms in Theodoxus fluviatilis" (Dissertation 2018)
  • Mohamed Dadamouny: "Genetic diversity and conservation biology of Moringa peregrina populations in Sinai, Egypt" (Dissertation 2018)


  • Michael Klockmann: " Stressresistenz verschiedener Entwicklungsstadien bei Tagfaltern unter dem Einfluss des Klimawandels" (Dissertation 2016)