1. Preis T.H. Kunz-Vortragspreis 5th International Berlin Bat Meeting, Berlin 2017
Lisa Lehnen, Guano, a neglected but highly promising fertilizer for bat research and conservation.
1. Platz Vortragspreis 18. Crustaceologen Tagung, Berlin 2017
Tina Kirchhoff, Neues Habitat, neue Herausforderungen - ontogenetische Adaptionen der Seten auf dem ersten Antennenpaar von Birgus latro (Linnaeus, 1767); 18. Crustaceologen Tagung, Berlin, Germany.
Presentation award at the EURODENDRO 2017 conference, Tartu, Estonia
Jelena Lange, Micro-site conditions and growing season water availability significantly affect climate signals of Scots pine at its northern distribution limits.
Poster award at the EURODENDRO 2017 conference, Tartu, Estonia
Roberto Cruz Garcia, Climate sensitivity of beech and oak stands in a coastal forest in northeastern Germany affected by their management regime.