DE Die Greifswald Environmental Ethics Papers sind vorläufige Manuskripte, die von der Arbeitsgruppe Umweltethik der Universität Greifswald in Umlauf gebracht werden, um Diskussionen und kritische Kommentare anzuregen. Für Inhalt und Verteilung der Arbeitspapiere der Arbeitsgruppe Umweltethik sind die jeweiligen Autoren allein verantwortlich, nicht das Institut für Botanik und Landschaftsökologie. Da es sich um Manuskripte in einer vorläufigen Fassung handelt, wird gebeten, sich mit Anregung und Kritik direkt an die Autoren zu wenden und Zitate vorher abzustimmen.
EN The Greifswald Environmental Ethics Papers are preliminary documents circulated by the Environmental Ethics Working Group at the University of Greifswald in order to stimulate discussion and critical comment. Since the working papers are preliminary and the authors themselves, not the Institute for Botany and Landscape Ecology, are responsible for the content and the distribution of these papers, interested readers are requested to directly contact the authors concerning criticism, suggestions and quotations.
- No. 1, September 2012 | <link fileadmin umweltethik greifswald_environmental_ethics_paper_no_1.pdf _blank download>Responsibility for the past? Some thoughts on compensating those vulnerable to climate change in developing countries | Christian Baatz
- No. 2, September 2012 | <link fileadmin umweltethik greifswald_environmental_ethics_paper_no_2.pdf _blank download>Reconciliation with the river. Analysis of a concept emerging from practice | Rafael Ziegler
- No. 3, December 2012 | <link fileadmin umweltethik greifswald_environmental_ethics_paper_no_3.pdf _blank download>Wasserethik eine Übersicht | Rafael Ziegler & Lilin Kerschbaumer
- No. 4, February 2013 | <link fileadmin umweltethik greifswald_environmental_ethics_paper_no_4.pdf _blank download>Using the capability approach to conceptualize sustainable development | Lieske Voget-Kleschin
- No. 5, April 2013 | <link fileadmin umweltethik greifswald_environmental_ethics_paper_no_5.pdf _blank download>E.O. Wilsons Weltbild-Argument. Eine Skizze zu Naturalismus und Naturethik | Philipp P. Thapa
- No. 6, May 2013 | <link fileadmin umweltethik greifswald_environmental_ethics_paper_no_6.pdf _blank download>Case studies in sustainability science. A discussion of Wolfgang Krohn's constitutive tension thesis | Rafael Ziegler
- No. 7, December 2013 | <link fileadmin umweltethik greifswald_environmental_ethics_paper_no_7.pdf _blank download>Following Gandhi. Social entrepreneurship as a non-violent way of communicating sustainability challenges | Rafael Ziegler, Sabrina Schulz, Lukas Richter & Martin Schreck
- No. 8, August 2014 | <link fileadmin umweltethik greifswald_environmental_ethics_paper_no_8.pdf _blank download>Climate neutrality. Towards an ethical conception of climate neutrality | Rafael Ziegler
- No. 9, January 2016 | <link fileadmin umweltethik greifswald_environmental_ethics_paper_no_9.pdf _blank download>Safe, just and sufficient space. The planetary boundary for human water use in a more-than-human world | Rafael Ziegler, Dieter Gerten & Petra Döll