Copyright Magnus Schult / Pressestelle – Studierendenmarketing Universität Greifswald, Steffen Harzsch, Peter Michalik, Gerald Kerth

The M.Sc. ‘Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution’is a professional qualification program that has been accredited by the ASIIN. It comprises four teaching terms with a total of 120 ECTS credit points. Prerequisites for participation are a Bachelor's degree in a biological science (e.g. biology, landscape ecology, environmental sciences) and English language skills at B2 level (CEFR), as the teaching language is English. Applicants with a foreign degree receive more information under "The International Side of the University of Greifswald" and the incoming students site.

The course is divided into 4 compulsory basic modules, 10 elective modules and the final thesis. In the basic modules, specialist knowledge from the fields of biodiversity, ecology, evolution including nature conservation, behaviour, microbiology, physiology and morphology is taught. They also include a research internship (in preparation for the final thesis). Building on this foundation, the knowledge gained can be deepened in the elective modules with maximum freedom of choice. We place special emphasis on methods and conceptual thinking as a prerequisite for carrying out research independently.

A Mobility Module (optional module) is intended to make it easier to integrate stays abroad into the course of study.

The Master's programme provides students with theoretical and practical knowledge for independent and responsible work in a scientific-professional activity. Prospects for graduates of the M.Sc. BEE are primarily in the scientific field (universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutes), but also in other governmental (environmental authorities, water management offices, political consulting, museums, botanical and zoological gardens) and economic (e.g. consulting and planning offices, plant protection, food industry) organizations/institutions.

Short summary

  • Degree: Master of Science (M. Sc.)
  • Start of studys: winter and summer term
  • Tuition fee: none
  • Regular number of terms: 4
  • Teaching load: 120 credit points (ECTS)
  • Course languages: mainly English
  • Admission requirements: B.Sc. in Biological, Environmental or Life Sciences or related degrees with at least 50 % of credit from the biological field on subjects such as zoology, botany, ecology, evolution, or physiology. Note: a B.Sc. or M.Sc. in Microbiology or Biotechnology does not fulfil the requirements. Additionally, evidence of English language proficiency at level B2 (CEFR) or minimum IELTS 5.5 is required - see language requirements here but make sure to additionally check the following Admission procedure:
  • Admission: Local admission protocol based on B.Sc. grades; deadlines for applications can be found here. International applicants check under "The International Side of the University of Greifswald" and requirements and application procedure.  Please note,we cannot provide information on the admission process outside the official channels. Individual inquiries cannot be answered. Should you 1) be admitted and should 2) issuing your visa be delayed, contact our international office and Prof. Alexander Wacker, head of the examination board (,, respectively). The university deals with these problems on a case to case base.
  • Field of study: Natural sciences, life sciences
  • Advanced study opportunities: PhD
Further information (1): study subject, study regulations

NOTE: for application process, see extra link in drop down menue

FAQ (Frequently asked questions)
Advisor for subject related information
Prof. Dr. Martin Haase
Prof. Dr. Martin Haase
Prof. Dr. Alexander Wacker
Prof. Dr. Alexander Wacker

Academic Advisor: 
Prof. Dr. Martin Haase

Zoological Institute & Museum, Soldmannstr. 23, 17489 Greifswald, Phone +49 (0)3834 420-4347

Head of Examination Board:
Prof. Dr. Alexander Wacker

Zoological Institute & Museum, Loitzer Str. 26, 17489 Greifswald, Phone +49 (0)3834 420-4266



Note: for information on requirements and application process, please see "Further information (2)" (=previous bullet point) first and then in case further questions arise: International Office page
and contact persons.

Updates for current 1st semester students

Last update:   Feb. 26th  2025

This information will be subsequently updated, and is of importance for the current new first semester students, please consider also the buttons <further information> and <FAQ> regarding issues with exams, etc.